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We specialize in lettering Wheelchair & Scooter Accessible Vans

Custom vehicle lettering is an effective way to turn your car, van, or truck into a rolling billboard. Vehicle lettering is a great and cheaper way to promote your business or service. You can use it to display your telephone number, your website, and even your company logo!

Recognize that truck lettering and vehicle lettering works best when larger fonts are used. Pick fonts at least three inches tall so that others can see your lettering. Consider using colors or a scheme that is of high contrast to the body color of your vehicle. White vinyl often shows up best on windows because it reflects the sun. Consider a minimized format.


Don’t write a book on your vehicle as there will be no interest or time for a passing motorist to read it. Keep it simple… Your business name, a single advertising line of 4-5 words, and your phone number and/or a web address. Consider using an outline effect on the main line of your vehicle or truck lettering. Although it costs more, your vehicle lettering will gain more attention.

Consider using a retro-reflective truck lettering product (reflective web decals). This type of product has a deep rich color tone in daylight and it reflects brightly at night. A reflective product costs a little more, but it’s a small price to pay for 24 hour exposure versus daylight only lettering. Enhance your vehicle or truck lettering with stripes and other graphic designs.

You’ll also need to consider the grade of vinyl you will install on your vehicle. Do not use promotional or indoor grade vinyl on your vehicle! Many grades of vinyl will not last for more than a few months. The very best grade of vinyl for vehicle lettering is 7 or 8 year premium or Cast grade vinyl. Be sure to know what you are buying.

There is usually no permitting required since it is on a vehicle, but it is always good to check with your local permitting office to be sure, some areas are different than others.

© Mobility Services Inc. 

Mobility Service Inc.
62 Alpha Plaza

Hicksville, NY 11801




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